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September 3, 2024

Hours of Operation:

  • Mon-Thurs 10am-4pm
  • Sat 12pm-4pm
  • Sun 9am-2pm
  • Closed Friday

Located across from the church in the new community center!

Welcome to Saint Dominic Books & Gifts, where you can find an assortment of items to help you grow, share, and enjoy your faith. Our store is located in the new community center, and we offer a wide range of products for all occasions.

Books: Our stock of books provides insight, knowledge, and comfort on everything from apologetics and church history to prayer and spirituality. We offer a variety of titles from well-known Catholic authors, as well as books for children, teens, and young adults.

Gifts: Our selection of gifts is perfect for weddings, baptisms, First Communion, Confirmation, birthdays, and other special occasions. Our items include artwork, jewelry, crucifixes, bible covers, rosaries, and statues. Our gift selection is sure to bring joy to both the giver and the recipient.

Look for special sales throughout the year, and stop by during our regular hours to browse our inventory. Our knowledgeable staff is happy to assist you in finding the perfect item for your needs. Visit us at Saint Dominic Books & Gifts today and discover the perfect item to enhance your faith journey.

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St. Dominic Books & Gifts
Come visit your friendly neighborhood Catholic Bookstore! We'll help you find something great to read OR pick the perfect gift to encourage your loved ones!
Link to Current Event
May 30, 2024

Throughout the year, Fishers of Men at Saint Dominic Catholic Church provides inviting gatherings for men seeking good food, shared laughter, and mutual support in their personal and spiritual journey. Our fast -paced yet casual atmosphere fosters meaningful relationships with one another and with God.

Our Breakfasts, featuring delicious meals prepared by dedicated volunteers, are more than just a culinary experience. Engaging in lively discussions, we explore various topics related to faith and daily life. Guest speakers and group activities aim to help men grow in their relationship with God and deepen their understanding of the Catholic faith.

Join us for Friday Fellowship Dinners, a powerful combination of Faith, Fellowship, and Food. It's not just about the meal; it's an opportunity to strengthen your faith and build meaningful connec􏰀ons. These dinners are open to men, 18 and older, as well as high school- age young men accompanied by their fathers or male guardians.

Experience spiritual rejuvenation at our Retreat, where men gather to focus on their spiritual lives amidst the serene beauty of Camp Timpoochee on Choctawhatchee Bay. It's a weekend of reflection, learning, and growth to recharge spiritually, mentally, and physically.

If you're a man seeking to deepen your relationship with God, strengthen your faith, and build connections within your community, we warmly invite you to join Fishers of Men at St. Dominic Catholic Church. Come and discover firsthand what makes our group extraordinary. We eagerly look forward to welcoming you to our table.

Annual Men's Retreat- May 3rd-5th, 2024

Schedule of Events

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Fishers of Men
Strengthen your faith, build relationships, and enjoy a hearty breakfast with the Fishers of Men at St. Dominic Catholic Church.
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May 23, 2024

At St. Dominic Catholic Church, our Catholic Student Ministry for middle school is dedicated to engaging young students in our parish community and helping them encounter Christ in a meaningful way. Our mission is to form middle school students as missionary disciples who are equipped to share their faith and make a positive impact in the world.

We provide a supportive environment where students can connect with their peers, explore their faith, and grow in their relationship with God. Through meetings, retreats, service opportunities, and social events, we create a space where students feel empowered to live out their faith and make a difference in their community.

Our Catholic Student Ministry for middle school emphasizes mission and outreach. We encourage our students to serve others and make a real impact in the world.

Sign up here!

All Middle Schoolers and their families are invited to Wednesday Church Night starting with dinner at 5:15pm at St. Dominic.

We also have socials, movie nights, retreats, trips, family events, camp outs, and more....! Stay up to date by getting signed up for the texts and emails.

Send the text "PCCSM" to the short-code number: 84576

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Catholic Student Ministry (Middle School)
Empowering young students to live out their faith and make a difference in the world.
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February 1, 2024

At St. Dominic Catholic Church, we are committed to supporting, empowering, and educating all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service. Our Council of Catholic Women seeks to provide women with the tools they need to grow in their faith and make a positive impact in their communities, all year round.

From fundraising events like the Love Boat Dance/Fun(d)raiser and Mothers Day/Fathers Day raffles, to community service projects like our Blanket/Coat Collection for Center of Hope and annual Cookie Bake for at-risk students, there is always something happening with our Council.

If you're a Catholic woman looking to deepen your faith and make a positive impact in the world, we invite you to join the St. Dominic Council of Catholic Women. Our Council is a vibrant and welcoming community that seeks to support and empower women in all areas of their lives. All women are welcome!

We meet on the Second Saturday of every month, excluding June & July, at Sts Peter & Paul.  

Dues are $15 year

Events include:

  • Boxes of Joy
  • Annual Cookie Bake (distributed to schools for at-risk students)
  • Funeral receptions
  • Concert receptions
  • Bake Sales
  • other events/projects/receptions requested by pastor/parish
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Council of Catholic Women
Join the Council of Catholic Women to grow in faith, serve the community, and make a difference in the world. All women are welcome!
Link to Current Event
January 31, 2024

Si está interesado en convertirse en católico, o si es adulto y necesita los sacramentos del bautismo, la confirmación o la primera comunión, háganoslo saber. ¡Trabajaremos con usted para asegurarnos de que reciba estos sacramentos llenos de gracia!

Se anunciará más información sobre horarios y fechas de clases.

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Preparación Sacramental para Adultos
Preparación para recibir los sacramentos para adultos.
Link to Current Event
January 31, 2024

“As an art music can be a particularly important way of proclaiming Christ because it succeeds in making his mystery perceptible with an eloquence all its own.” Pope Benedict XVI

The music ministry at St. Dominic helps facilitate the worship of God at the Mass. We need your gifts of music, whether through singing or playing instruments. If you are interested, please reach out to Adam Ubowski.

Saturday Vigil Mass- 5:00pm

Sunday Masses- 7:45am, 10:00am, 12:30 Spanish Mass

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The power of sacred music increases the honor given to God by the Church in union with Christ, its Head." Pope Pius XII
Link to Current Event
January 31, 2024

If you are interested in serving behind the scenes by keeping things sounding and look good, we need your help!

Saturday Vigil Mass-5pm

Sunday Masses- 7:45am, 10:00am, 12:30 Spanish Mass

Training dates and times-TBA

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AV Tech
Behind the scenes work to help the audio and visual content at Mass
Link to Current Event
January 31, 2024

In the Letter to the Hebrews we hear that "the word of God is living and effective" Hebrews 4:12. When the word of God is proclaimed, God himself meets his people and lives are changed. The ministry of Lector is all about leading people to encounter God through his word.

If you are interested in being formed as a lector here at St. Dominic, please reach out to Lora McCalister-Cruel using the email below!

Reach out to Lora for the formation schedule.

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The word of God is proclaimed so that we may encounter Him.
Link to Current Event
January 31, 2024

At St. Dominic Catholic Church, we invite all men and young men of the parish, 1st communion age and older, to prayerfully consider the ministry of altar serving. Parents, please encourage your sons to serve at the altar!

As an altar server, you are involved in the holiest and most sacred events of Catholic worship. As you assist the priest in celebrating the Holy Mass you are facilitating the encounter between God and his people.

"Therefore in the liturgy you are far more than mere "helpers of the parish priest". Above all, you are servants of Jesus Christ, the eternal High Priest. Thus you altar servers especially are called to be young friends of Jesus. Strive to deepen and foster this friendship with him. You will discover that in Jesus you have found a true friend for life...I have spoken of friendship with Jesus. How happy I would be if something more sprang from this friendship! How beautiful it would be if some of you could discover a vocation to the priesthood! Jesus Christ urgently needs young people who generously make themselves available to him without reserve." St. John Paul II

All Masses take place in the church

Saturday Vigil - 5:00pm

Sunday - 7:45am

Sunday - 10:00am

Sunday - 12:30pm (Spanish)

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Altar Servers
By serving at Mass may you draw ever closer to Christ our Lord.
Link to Current Event
January 31, 2024

Join the Mission!

Did you know that every year Saint Dominic has

  • Monthly SERVE Saturday to be the hands & feet of Jesus helping our neighbors in Bay County
  • March Spring Break trip to Peru
  • Summer Mission Trip to Birmingham, Alabama (especially for our youth to participate)
  • Labor Day Mission Trip to provide disaster relief
  • Disaster Response Team (as needed after a fire, tornado, or hurricane)

We need you to join the mission! Every person at St. Dominic Catholic Church can be involved by coming and serving.

We also need you to support the missions with a recurring monthly donation here:

Invite your friends and family to support St. Dominic Missions.

Every First Sunday join the mission! Sign up to serve! Wear your past or present missions shirts to Mass on Sunday. Spread the word!

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Mission Sunday
Every first Sunday of the month we focus on our call "to evangelize others all through the power of the Holy Spirit."
Link to Current Event
November 17, 2023

Join us the last Sunday of each month (except December) at St. John the Evangelist Parish Hall, 4:00pm - 7:00pm. Bring your favorite dish to share and come enjoy new and old friendships. All seniors & retirees (of any faith background) are welcome!

Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church

1008 Fortune Ave

Panama City, FL

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Silver Seniors Potluck
A monthly potluck gathering for all seniors & retirees
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