Ash Wednesday Schedule | March 5, 2025

Mass in English 7am | 10am | 6pm

Liturgy of the Word 12pm

Misa en Español 8pm


The power of sacred music increases the honor given to God by the Church in union with Christ, its Head." Pope Pius XII

Schedule and Location

“As an art music can be a particularly important way of proclaiming Christ because it succeeds in making his mystery perceptible with an eloquence all its own.” Pope Benedict XVI

The music ministry at St. Dominic helps facilitate the worship of God at the Mass. We need your gifts of music, whether through singing or playing instruments. If you are interested, please reach out to Adam Ubowski.


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Saturday Vigil Mass- 5:00pm

Sunday Masses- 7:45am, 10:00am, 12:30 Spanish Mass


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