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Monday, September 9, 2024

Drawing from the richness of our Catholic heritage, we seek to teach, equip and activate disciples to demonstrate the love of God through the power of the Holy Spirit in their sphere of influence.

Sep 9
Jun 1
Encounter School Of Ministry
Encounter School Of Ministry
"be who you were meant to be and you will set the world on fire"
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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

A 14 session program for individuals and couples to improve their communication and relationship regardless of what state it is in. TTO meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday evening of every month and has a suggested donation of $10.00 per person per class.

Beginning October 15, 2024:

Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday Night of every month from 6pm till 8pm

St Dominic Catholic Church

3308 E 15th St

Panama City, FL 32405

The Third Option is a 14 session program that runs weekly with one section covered per week. Topics include:

  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Understanding Expectations
  • Re-Defining The Power Struggle
  • Control Issues
  • Listening Beyond The Words
  • Personality Differences
  • Childhood Issues and Emotional Baggage
  • Handling Anger Constructively
  • Speaking The Truth In Love
  • Conflict Resolution - Fighting Fair
  • Feelings And The Hurt Spiral
  • Forgiveness And Repair
  • Re-Building Trust

The Third Option is unique in several ways that make it so successful.

  • First: Since no section is really built on any other, you can enter the program at any time! That means you don't have to wait for up to 13 weeks for the program to start again if you missed week 1. You can, for example, join at week 7 and finish after week 6.
  • Second: You can attend alone! If your spouse wants to join you, great! But, if not, you can begin go through the weekly workshops by yourself, learning truly valuable skills for relationship as you go. And maybe your spouse will follow later.

You can expect a warm, welcoming, non-judgmental atmosphere where you will be free to work on YOU.

The Third Option Bay County will be taught by individuals and couples who have years of experience working with people in this community on marriage. People who are truly passionate about helping individuals and couples to improve in their communication and in their relationships.​

So, expect to learn, improve and become a MUCH better you, all in a supportive and caring environment.

For more info and a schedule of topics, visit

Oct 15
May 6
The Third Option
The Third Option
Learn skills that work for any marriage, from those on the brink of divorce to those just looking to make a good marriage better.
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Wednesday, January 15, 2025

We believe the Catholic Church contains the fullness of the Christian faith and all the gifts that God wants to give to you, His beloved child. Whether you have never stepped foot in a Catholic Church, you used to be Catholic, you are Catholic but haven't completed receiving sacraments, or you are a lifelong Catholic who wants to learn more, you are most welcome!  Catholicism 101 meets from 6:30-8pm during Wednesday Night Church Night at St. Dominic in the Community Center.  Dinner, children's formation, and childcare for babies and toddlers are available! Dinner is served beginning at 5:30pm.

Jan 15
May 28
Catholicism 101
Catholicism 101
Curious about Catholicism? Join us for any or all of these teaching nights on the Frequently-Asked-Questions of Catholicism.
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Wednesday, January 29, 2025

¿Tiene preguntas sobre la fe Católica? Tal vez usted sea católico desde hace mucho tiempo y le gustaría aprender más sobre nuestras creencias únicas. Todos los adultos son bienvenidos a unirse a cualquiera o todas estas noches de enseñanza temáticas. Estas clases están dirigidas por los feligreses Miguel y Liz Arteaga y su equipo. Si está interesado en convertirse en Católico, o si es un Católico bautizado que desea recibir los sacramentos de la Sagrada Comunión y/o la Confirmación, ¡esta es la clase para usted!

La cena está disponible a las 5:15 pm: $5 por persona y $20 máximo por familia. Cuidado de niños disponible a las 6:00pm. Las actividades para jóvenes comienzan a las 6:30pm. La clase de Catolicismo 101 comienza a las 6:30pm. Todas las actividades finalizan a las 8:00pm.

Jan 29
May 28
Catolicismo 101
Catolicismo 101
¿Tienes curiosidad por el Catolicismo? ¿Quieres ser Católico? ¿Necesitas recibir los sacramentos?
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Friday, March 7, 2025

Solemn Vespers (in preparation for The Mass of Ordination to the Diaconate of Fernando Andre Diaz Olazabal) | Friday March 7 | 6:00pm in the church

Stations of the Cross Fridays March 14, 21, 28 | April 4 & 11 | 6:00pm in the church

Lenten Meals

March 7: Fish Fry (must RSVP here)

March 14: Breakfast for Dinner ($8 per plate, children 5 & under free, benefiting Rachel's Bags of Love)

March 21: Soup & Bread

March 28: Soup & Bread

April 4: Soup & Bread

April 11: Fish Fry (must pre-register, details soon)

Mar 7
Apr 11
Lenten Friday Nights
Lenten Friday Nights
Join us every Friday evening during Lent for prayer and a simple meal
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