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Christmas Mass Schedule

Join us at one of our beautiful Christmas Masses! Christmas Eve (Tuesday, December 24): 4:00pm Children's Mass & 7:00pm | Midnight Mass at 12:00am on Christmas (Wednesday, December 25) | Christmas Day (Wednesday, December 25): 9:00am & 12:30pm Español


Join us for the Eucharist, where bread and wine truly become the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus. Through Mass, we commemorate his passion, death, and resurrection.


The Eucharist, also known as the Mass or Communion, is the sacrament in which Catholics receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ in the form of bread and wine. It is the central act of worship in the Catholic Church and is a powerful reminder of Jesus' sacrificial love and his presence in our lives.

At the heart of the Eucharist is the belief that Jesus Christ is truly present in the bread and wine that are consecrated by the priest during Mass. Catholics receive the Eucharist in a spirit of reverence and thanksgiving, recognizing the immense gift of Jesus' love that is given to us through this sacrament.

The Eucharist is also a powerful reminder of our call to love and serve others. Through the Eucharist, Catholics are nourished and strengthened in their faith and are reminded of their call to live out their faith in the world. The Eucharist is not just a private act of devotion, but a communal act of worship that unites us as members of the Body of Christ.

Whether you are a lifelong Catholic or someone exploring the Catholic Church, the sacrament of the Eucharist is a powerful reminder of the importance of Jesus' love and his call to live lives of service and love. It is an invitation to join in the communal worship of the Church and to be nourished and strengthened by the love of Christ.


Mass Intention Form


Saturday (Vigil): 5:00PM

Sunday: 7:45AM | 10:00AM | 12:30 (Español)

Mon-Fri: 7:00AM

Sat:  8:00AM

Holy Days: 6pm Vigil | 7am | 10am



When is your RCIA or Adult Sacramental Preparation class beginning? How do I register?

We're excited to hear that you're interested in our sacramental preparation programs at Saint Dominic Catholic Church! Our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) program is designed for adults who are preparing to receive the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation.

To learn more about our upcoming RCIA classes or to receive a schedule, please contact Fr. Richard Graham at

Thank you for considering Saint Dominic Catholic Church as a resource for your sacramental journey. We look forward to serving you in any way we can.

Last Updated: 
August 4, 2023

My child needs their first communion, who should I contact?

We're happy to hear that you're interested in having your child receive their First Communion at Saint Dominic Catholic Church! Please contact Kathryn Judd, our Coordinator of Children's Ministries, at to begin the registration process. Kathryn can provide you with all the information you need to prepare for this special sacrament.

Thank you for considering Saint Dominic Catholic Church as a resource for your child's spiritual journey. We look forward to serving you and your family in any way we can.

Last Updated: 
August 4, 2023

How can I go to the adoration chapel?

To access the Adoration Chapel, enter the church through the main entrance and turn left into the narthex. The Adoration Chapel is located to the left of the narthex and is open 24/7 for prayer.

To obtain the access codes for the Adoration Chapel, please call the parish office at (850) 785-4574. Our staff will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have regarding the Adoration Chapel.

We hope that you find peace and solace in your time of prayer in the Adoration Chapel.

Last Updated: 
October 19, 2023

I am home bound but I would like to receive communion, can someone visit me?

If you are home-bound but would like to receive communion, we are here to help. Please call the parish office at (850) 785-4574 and we will connect you with a member of our Care team who can assist you with scheduling a visit.

Our Care team is dedicated to providing spiritual care to those who are unable to attend mass in person, and we would be honored to bring communion to you. Thank you for allowing us to serve you in this way.

Last Updated: 
October 19, 2023

What is the mass schedule?

Our mass schedule is as follows:

  • Saturday (Vigil): 5:00PM
  • Sunday: 7:45AM | 10:00AM | 12:30 (Español)
  • Mon-Fri: 7:00AM | 10:00AM
  • Sat:  8:00AM
  • Holy Days: 6pm Vigil | 7am | 10am

We hope to see you at one of our masses soon!

Last Updated: 
October 19, 2023


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