Encounter Christ Retreat • December 6 & 7

Join us as we prepare our lives for the joy of Christmas! Retreat will include inspirational and thought-provoking talks from Dr Tom Neal, time for personal prayer, Adoration, Sacraments, and plenty of time for fellowship with others. This year, we're excited to add a track for children as well as childcare for kids four and under. Sign up HERE

Sep 9
Dec 9
Revelation Bible Study
All Events

Revelation Bible Study


Revelation Bible Study
9/9/2024 9:30 AM
12/9/2024 11:30 AM
Parish Office
Rowena Trzeciak
Monsignor Crowe Community Center
MP 1
3308 E. 15th Street
Panama City, FL, 32405
Get Directions

Event OVerview

Perhaps no book of the Bible fascinates people more than Revelation. Yet relatively few people have studied it, especially from a Catholic perspective. Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come is an intriguing eleven-session study program that shows how the kingdom established by Christ in his Church is intimately connected with the kingdom of heaven. In this study, presenter Jeff Cavins pulls back the veil on the rich symbolism present in Revelation. Discover what the mysterious figures and images of Revelation mean and see how Revelation is more than an apocalyptic vision of the “end times.” Explore the Church’s teaching on the second coming of Christ and the Last Judgment. Understand how God, the Divine Bridegroom, and the Church, his spotless bride, enter into a heavenly, holy, and mystical marriage every time we celebrate Mass.

Join us Mondays, September 9 - December 9 • 9:30am-11:30am • Msgr Crowe Community Center

Event Schedule

Registration Details

Pre-Registration required here:

